Rules for posting photos
We accept any photos showing you, except for images that violate the rules of the service.
All uploaded photos are subject to compulsory moderation. The moderation process takes up to 60 minutes on average (longer on weekends and holidays).
We don't allow photos:
- Drawings, pictures, landscapes, etc.;
- Photos that carry no meaning: a black background, a photo of a table or your shoes, a photo taken in your pocket, etc.;
- Photos containing generally-understood indecent gestures;
- Photos of low quality;
- Photos that have been heavily processed using graphics editor filters, collage creation programs, or other image editing software;
- Photos of other people;
- Screenshots of photos. Use only original photos;
- Photos with improper captions. Photos will be rejected if the signature or the photo itself contains obscene language, addresses or logos belonging to other sites, any contact details including postal addresses and links to social network pages, or any other text that the moderator considers inappropriate or provocative;
- Photos that reproduce photos you have already posted;
- Photos containing sex organs (including if they are clothed but clearly distinguishable), parts of them, or sex acts;
- Photos of naked or semi-naked women/men in provoking poses;
- Photos of semi-naked women/men that are obviously intended to show nudity (photos in the bathroom, shower, etc.). Exception: beach photos, photos in the gym;
- Photos including indecent objects of a sexual nature (dildos, whips, muzzles, etc.);
- Photos of narcotic drugs, weapons and everything that is deemed illegal;
- Photos showing aggression, violence, or cruelty to people or animals;
- Group photos (except for profiles of couples);
- Photos of kids;
- Photos promoting hatred based on any principle;
- Any other images that the moderator considers to be vulgar, indecent, disgusting, or incompatible with the aims and the quality standards of our service.
Nudes ๐๐๐ in profile are prohibited, but they are allowed in chats (don't forget to ask consent before sending them).